
to touch your life

Compulsively eat without tasting?

Do you pay a lot of attention to what you eat and little attention to what the food actually tastes like when you eat? Do you compulsively eat without even tasting the food? Are you looking to change your focus on food and get the control back? Wanting to stop punishing or rewarding yourself with food? Give up the crash diets and pay attention to what you eat? Can you share your experiences with others?

In our busy lifes12201595741825620078catterpillar%20colored_svg_medtyles it is difficult to take a minute and actually be mindful of what we are eating.   With so many mixed messages around food whether it is giving ourselves a reward that extra slice of cake, more chocolate.   Then it can be used as a punishment for ourselves with crash diets, binge eating and lifelong obsessions around gaining/losing weight.  It is no wonder there are so many issues surrounding food and lifestyle.   We tend to spend so much time concentrating of what to eat and the effects it has on our bodies rather than on what the actual food tastes like and how we feel when we eat!

By becoming a little bit more mindful of what the food tastes like, how it makes us feel, appreciating what we are eating can be a most powerful sensation that will actually help you to take stock on your emotions around food.

Taking 3 minutes of your day to mediate around food can be helpful.   We can provide you with a mediation and support simply join TagoVita and become part of a supportive and respectful community helping people around issues of food, exercise and health.

Join www.tagovita.com 100% free for support, tools, tips and ideas, recipes, diary journals, community, exercises, make friends and more.

Funny Christmas Poem

This funny take on the Classic Poem “Twas the Night Before Christmas” was sent to us by one of our members we thought you all might enjoy this!

Twas the month after Christmas and all through the house
Nothing would fit me, not even a blouse.

The cookies I’d nibbled, the eggnog I’d taste.
All the holiday parties had gone to my waist.

When I got on the scales there arose such a number!
When I walked to the store (less a walk than a lumber).

I’d remember the marvelous meals I’d prepared;
The gravies and sauces and beef nicely rared,

The wine and the rum balls, the bread and the cheese
And the way I’d never said, “No thank you, please.”

As I dressed myself in my husband’s old shirt
And prepared once again to do battle with dirt —

I said to myself, as I only can
“You can’t spend a winter disguised as a man!”

So–away with the last of the sour cream dip,
Get rid of the fruitcake, every cracker and chip

Every last bit of food that I like must be banished
Till all the additional ounces have vanished.

I won’t have a cookie–not even a lick.
I’ll want only to chew on a long celery stick.

I won’t have hot biscuits, or corn bread, or pie,
I’ll munch on a carrot and quietly cry.

I’m hungry, I’m lonesome, and life is a bore —
But isn’t that what January is for?

Unable to giggle, no longer a riot.
Happy New Year to all and to all a good diet!

Christmas Guilt

With so much emphasis placed on food at Christmas time it is no surprise to feel a little guilt.   December 25th is known as the day Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus.   Around the same time period the Romans held winter festivities and feasts including the “Yule” holiday, this tradition can now be seen in the Yule Log cake  taken its name from the Roman Yule fires.  So for a very long time there as been an association and special importance placed upon food.

Ball and Bow

It is the time when we get together with friends and families and celebrate by not only giving presents but also by feasting.   This does not just happen on 25th December as many people throughout December and well into the New Year attend Christmas parties where food and drink is served to excess.    For those that are on a diet it can be a tough and challenging period.

There is no rule to say you have to accept every morsel of food offered to you, you can say NO thank you to things, people will not be offended and you will find friends and family will be supportive.     It is a very good idea to eat a healthy snack before going out to any function therefore, removing the urge to eat all the food on offer.      Try and steer clear of any food that is creamy and try leaving some food piled high on your plate you don’t have to eat every morsel.    With drinks, have a glass water before accepting a new drink this way not only will you stay dehydrated you have less chance of drinking way too much.

A simple thing but make sure you move more in this period just walking a bit more each day will help to burn off some of the excess calories being consumed and remember you are are not alone going through this.

Remember you are not alone and if you wish to speak to others going through the same or just want a friend join www.tagovita.com it is 100% free and offers tools, resources, support and help around food, fitness and well-being to anyone.



Photograph :© Liz Van Steenburgh | Dreamstime Stock Photos

Weight Loss Holidays November in Spain

We will be running our successful weight loss holiday camps in Spain this November.  Whatever your age, your fitness levels or your weight you can join us.    We are not a boot camp, we offer a sustainable and gentle approach to weight loss and fitness.    We provide you with all the tools and support to help you on your journey.    You get to stay in  a luxurious villa, enjoy some Winter sunshine and partake in a programme which will be delivered to suit every body on the programme.


Our Weight loss holidays are not all about hard work and exhaustion!   You will also experience a day out at one of the beautiful cities of Andalucía and will be able to relax and unwind from the stresses of everyday life in the winter sunshine.Weightloss camps Pegs


If you have been struggling with weight related problems and would like help to change this, then TagoVita is able to help.   Not only do we provide the free active online community with extensive tools and resources we also work with you and support you in your lifestyle choices around food, fitness and health.


You will be provided with 6 nights accommodation, transfer to & from Malaga airport, all meals and soft drinks included, a trip out to one of the fantastic Andalucía Cities, full fitness programme (suitable for everyone), a complementary massage or beauty treatment, a detailed look at your goals and full support after you have left the holiday programme.

There is no typical day, but activities can include Yoga, Pilates, Hiking, Walking, Cycling, Swimming, Nutrition Assessment, Cardio workout, Massage, Running, Zumba, Dance, lifestyle coaching and much more.    Also you will be given the tools to access www.tagovita.com and be set up for life on this.   Prices start from £795 per person sharing this excludes flights.

If you are interested in joining us on our next weight loss holiday email us now as places do  fill quickly info@tagovita.com.

Why  not read about our weight loss holidays in Now Magazine  a 7 day blog about what you can get up to on one of our holidays.



Myths of Guinness – St Patrick’s Day

Ireland, leprechauns, and the color green are synonymous when we think of St Patrick’s Day.  Oh, and not forgetting beer. Guinness is probably the most popular Irish beer brand in the world, chances are your local watering hole will be offering specials on it come today and tonight.   If you want to impress your mates here are some the common myths about the famous black brew.


Myth: Guinness is high in alcohol

Guinness is not more alcoholic than most other beers. In fact, it contains less alcohol by volume than a typical draught. An average beer contains 5% ABV, while Guinness clocks in at just 4.2%. So this St. Paddy’s Day, Guinness is a clever choice if you’re feeling festive but you want to take it easy.

Myth: Guinness is high in calories
Guinness, a stout-style brew, is known for its creamy texture, dark color, and rich, caramel-tinged flavor.  A 12-ounce serving of Guinness sets you back 125 calories—just 15 more than the same serving of Bud Light. Alcohol is beer’s main calorie source, and since Guinness is just 4.2% ABV, it’s relatively low in calories. The dark color and sweetness come from small amounts of roasted barley used in the brewing process. And that thick, creamy texture? Most beers are carbonated with carbon dioxide, but Guinness uses a mix of CO2 and nitrogen. Nitrogen bubbles are smaller than CO2 bubbles, which produces a smoother “mouthfeel,” as beer nerds call it.

Myth: “Guinness is Good for You”

This is really more of a half-myth. “Guinness is Good for You” is a marketing slogan from the late 1920s, and was not based on any scientific proof that drinking beer actually had any health benefits. Today, some experts actually do believe that moderate alcohol consumption (including beer, wine, and spirits) could be good for you. Dozens of studies have shown an association between moderate drinking—that’s one drink a day for women, two for men—and a reduction in the riskof heart attack or dying of cardiovascular disease. And other research suggests that moderate/light drinkers gain less weight in middle age than those who abstain. At the same time, however, other studies have shown a correlation between moderate alcohol consumption and increased risk of  breast cancer.  And of course, excessive drinking causes many a healthy problem including liver damage, several types of cancer, and decreased brain function.

Information courtesy of health.com

Thus, go ahead and have a Guinness or two on St. Patrick’s Day. But if you want to boost your health, you’d probably be better off eating something green!    Join us at www.tagovita.com 

Salmon & Asparagus Salad with Raspberries

Salads are not just for summer, try this tasty salad!



4 Salmon fillets, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 200g (7oz) Asparagus spears, 250g mixed Salad leaves and 1 punnet of Raspberries, 1 teaspoon of wholegrain mustard and 100g natural yoghurt


Lightly coat the salmon in a drizzle of olive oil and season to taste, place the salmon under a hot grill and cook until cooked throughout.

Rinse and trim the asparagus and cut them into 4cm (1.5inches) pieces, cover with boiling water and blanch for 2 minutes

To make the dressing simply add the mustard to the yoghurt and mix with a fork.

Place the salad leaves on the plate with the salmon on top and drizzle the yoghurt dressing and place the asparagus next to the salmon.    Take a handful of the raspberries and sprinkle over the salmon and salad.

This recipe will serve 4 and will take no more 25 minutes to make.

Alternatively you can do this recipe with any of your favourite fruits why not try it with mango or kiwi.

If you have any healthy eating recipes you would like to share with us then please get in touch with us http://www.tagovita.com


One of the biggest health challenges today is that of Diabetes.   Most health experts agree that the UK is facing a huge increase in the number of people with diabetes. Since 1996 the number of people diagnosed with diabetes has increased from 1.4 million to 2.9 million. By 2025 it is estimated that five million people will have diabetes. Most of these cases will be Type 2 diabetes, because of our ageing population and rapidly rising numbers of overweight and obese people.

Can Type 2 diabetes be prevented?  If you are at risk of having Type 2 diabetes due to being over weight than yes you can make changes to prevent this happening.

If you are overweight then you really should get your blood levels check by your doctor.   Diabetes affects many major organs, including your heart, blood vessels, nerves, eyes and kidneys. Being diagnosed early and controlling your blood glucose levels can help prevent these complications.

Further information and advice can be found www.diabetes.org.uk.

If you would like help with making changes in your life around weight, food and health join http://www.tagovita.com

New Year New Look

Welcome to 2014


As you might have guessed we have undergone some major changes and we have been busy in 2013 developing a whole host of TagoVital tools for all our members new and old.

The  TagoVita Dashboard can be personalised to allow you to add the newly developed “TagoVital”  tools which you need for your goals. When you sign up we will place some in there automatically but you can add, delete and move them as you want without losing any of the data you have recorded.

We have created “My Friends” where you can communicate with private messages to other like-minded members and to TagoVita mentors. This is an important part of our support structure providing mutual benefit to all members.

TagoVita is different to nearly all the sites out there, we have no joining fees, we have a fantastic range of nutrition, health, and fitness tools, support, and resources which are 100% free to anybody.     We also reward you for all your achievements and interactions no matter how small or how big with our reward points.

We understand that it is more than just weight loss, TagoVita helps anybody who wants to be healthier, be fitter and be in control — for life.   Remember even If you don’t want to lose weight can still join and benefit from TagoVita and have access to the TagoVital tools, support and community features.

To all new members, “welcome” and to existing members “well done” for all your achievements and successes.     2014 will see TagoVita grow with many new exciting additions and include Premium services.

Remember, keep going, stay committed and reach your goals. Remember how far you have you come and with our support you will be amazed what you can achieve. Join us for 2014 www.tagovita.com